We gratefully accept donations of:
- Apple computers, laptops, and devices (displays, iPads, iPhones, iPods)
**Please be sure that you unlock or remove passwords on devices so the device may be set to original factory settings.**
- PC computers, laptops, tablets, and accessories
- Vintage and new video games, gaming systems, and accessories
- Monitors
- Software
- DSL Modems
- Computer Parts
- Scanners
- Computer Speakers / Music Players / Ihomes
- Cables and Power Cords
- Hubs and Routers
- External Hard Drives
**Note that we cannot accept printers.**
Key information to know on Sale Day:
- Items have been tested for function and completeness prior to sale day
- Many computers have been upgraded as part of the testing process
- Computers have been wiped clean of Personal Information
For more information about this department, please contact: