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Health & Safety at Sale Day

The Rotary Club of Bainbridge Island deeply appreciates the enthusiastic support its annual Auction & Rummage Sale enjoys in our community. While we want everyone to have a rewarding, fun-filled experience, please know that health and safety are our #1 priority.

Health & Safety Precautions

As the hosts of a large community event, we recommend that shoppers, visitors, volunteers, and Rotarians:

  • Wash your hands frequently and/or use hand sanitizer. Bottles of hand sanitizer will be placed in strategic locations around campus.
  • Stay home if you are ill.

8:00am Opening of the “Gates”

One of the trademark events at the Auction & Rummage Sale is the opening, headlong rush of attendees onto the Woodward Middle School campus as soon as the last note of the National Anthem sounds at 8:00am. Beginning hours earlier, attendees assemble at each entrance to the campus. Many position themselves for a run to the items they saw during Preview Night. 

Many people in the assembled crowd have no intention of running onto the campus. If this describes you, please position yourself away from the front of the crowd. If you are unsure whether you are far enough back, ask those around you if they plan to run. 

Designate a Meeting Place

During Preview Night and Sale Day, the Woodward Middle School campus will be very crowded. It is easy for people to get separated from their family/friends. Before you begin your activities, agree on a place where you can reunite (such as the flagpole in front of the school’s south door entrance).

If your party gets separated and someone in your party can’t be found, go to the Announcer/Information Booth located outside the school’s south door entrance. Appropriate announcements can be made and a search mounted to locate the missing individual(s).

First Aid

During Preview Night and the Auction & Rummage Sale, First Aid Stations are located in both the south and north parking lots. Both stations are staffed with specially trained individuals. They can administer first aid for injuries and conditions that do not require treatment at a hospital. If a trip to a hospital is warranted, then a transport ambulance will be summoned.

If you cannot walk to a First Aid Station, please seek assistance from anyone wearing a Rotary Apron or the members of the Bainbridge Amateur (HAM) Radio Club who are patrolling the campus and are linked, by radio, to the First Aid Stations.

Fire Alarm

If you are inside the school building, and the fire alarm sounds:

  • Immediately stop what you are doing.
  • Walk to the nearest building exit.
  • Go outside and move as far away from the building as you can.
  • Remain outside until an announcement is made that it is safe to re-enter the building.