Approximately a third of Bainbridge Island Rotary Auction & Rummage Sale net proceeds are used to fund Community Grants.
The Rotary Club of Bainbridge Island has a long and proud history of providing grants to support diverse community projects, dating back to the Club’s founding in 1947. Members of the Rotary Club of Bainbridge Island are stewards of funds we raise at our yearly Rotary Auction & Rummage Sale. We strive to manage funds in an effective, appropriate, and timely manner, ensuring that grant awards result in positive impacts in our community.
Any qualified nonprofit organization that serves the Bainbridge Island community is eligible to apply for a community grant from the Rotary Club of Bainbridge Island. Each year grant funding is made possible from the preceding year’s proceeds. Your donations to the Auction & Rummage Sale are at work doing great things for the people of Bainbridge Island and beyond!
From 2013 through 2023, the Rotary Club of Bainbridge Island has awarded Community Grants totaling more than $1,575,000 to over 100 local nonprofits. Funds for these grants were provided by the Auction & Rummage Sale.
In 2020, grants totaling $90,874 were awarded to the following organizations:
American Legion, Colin Hyde Post 172: New replacement roof
Bainbridge Island Grange #1051: Replacement of failing septic system and drain field (challenge grant)
Bainbridge Island Historical Museum: Video equipment, light box, camera, and accessories; digital tablets and guide by cell software
Bainbridge Island Land Trust: Tires for maintenance truck
Bainbridge Island School District 303: Large commercial lawnmower for larger turf areas
Bainbridge Island Special Needs Foundation: Plastic totes, table, and sensory and calming items
Bainbridge Youth Services: Signage for offices and sound management system and gates
Bainbridge Wrestling Booster Club: New wrestling mat
Boy Scout Troop 1496: Canoe trailer and 4 canoes
Boys and Girls Club of Bainbridge Island: On-site vegetable garden
Eagle Harbor High School PTSO: 8 power microscopes for science room
Eastside Baby Corner: Car seats
Human Resources Bainbridge: Computers and updated phone system
Kids Discovery Museum: Cabinetry and storage for the museum
Kids in Concert: Cases for musical instruments
Kidzz Helping Kidzz: Toys for sick children in hospitals
Kitsap Humane Society: Kennel equipment for 4 new dog housing units (challenge grant)
Kitsap Immigrant Assistance Center: Soundproofing panels, 3 scanners, 3 monitors, and 1 smart TV
Kitsap Legal Services: Signage for over outside door and a high-front reception desk
The Rotary Club of Bainbridge Island thanks the following organizations for agreeing to cancel or reallocate all or part of their potential 2020 grant awards. Their decisions have allowed the Rotary Club to use those extra funds to assist other organizations with immediate COVID-19 related needs.
Bainbridge Cooperative Nursery School: Replacement of old windows with new energy-efficient windows.
Bainbridge High School Football Boosters: Athlete safety equipment.
Bainbridge Island Historical Museum: Computers, monitors. and software.
Bainbridge Island Metro Parks & Recreation District: 3-meter diving board ladder at Don Nakata pool and another to add lighting to sign at Rotary Centennial Park.
Bainbridge Island Rowing: New motor for existing safety launch; anti-exposure suits for each coach.
Bainbridge Island Special Needs Foundation: iPads and printer.
Bainbridge Island Swim Club Boosters [Challenge grant]: New scoreboard at Aquatic Center.
Bainbridge Island Water Polo Club: Equipment.
Bainbridge Schools Foundation: Robotics program.
Bainbridge Youth Services: Desktop office computers and tablet.
Boys and Girls Club of Bainbridge Island: Child-sized furniture (couches; tables; chairs)
EMPACT Northwest: Safety, communication, and rescue equipment
Friends of the Farms: Equipment for Suyematsu Farm Historic Barn Restoration project.
Housing Resources Board: Expansion of playground at Ferncliff Village.
Island Time Activities: iPads with special software, printer, and laminator.
Kitsap Humane Society: New kitten housing units.
Lynwood Community Market: “Stump hops” for Schel Chelb Park.
Olympic College Foundation: Field and lab equipment for 3-year archeological Yama Project.
Olympic Mountain Rescue: 13 new handheld radios for field communication.
OUT There Adventures: Sea kayak(s) and associated equipment.
PAWS of Bainbridge Island and North Kitsap: New washer and dryer for cattery on Bainbridge Island.
Peacock Family Center: Upgrade for playground equipment.
In 2014, grants totaling $127,960 were awarded to the following organizations:
Bainbridge Schools Foundation — Elementary Schools Robotics Program EquipmentBainbridge Arts and Humanities Council: Projector and sound system (available to loan to other nonprofits).
Bainbridge Chorale: New office printer for printing concert programs, tickets, and general office use.
Bainbridge Cooperative Nursery School: Replacement of ductless heating system.
Bainbridge High School: Downdraft sanding table for vocational trades program.
Bainbridge Island Downtown Association: Holiday stars-and-scrolls lights.
inbridge Island Grange: Equipment to improve theater stage.
Bainbridge Island Metro Parks & Recreation District: Building and installing of sign display grid at Rotary Centennial Park.
Bainbridge Island Metro Parks & Recreation: Installation of two automatic door openers at aquatic center.
Bainbridge Island Museum of Art: Equipment for Education and Schools Programs.
Bainbridge Island Youth Orchestras: New musician chairs.
Bainbridge Performing Arts: New computers.
Bainbridge Public Library: Installation of hearing loop system in Community Room to improve listening clarity for individuals with hearing impairments.
Bainbridge Schools Foundation: Funds for robotics for four elementary schools.
Bainbridge Chorale: Performance attire (blouses and neckties) for Young Singers (grades 4 – 8).
Bainbridge Island Lacrosse: Weighted canopies to shelter volunteers and scorekeepers year-round during games.
Bainbridge Island Land Trust: Renovation of Prue’s House on the Hilltop addition to Grand Forest available to the community for meetings, children’s activities, and afterschool programs.
Bainbridge Performing Arts: Equipment and improvements to educational annex.
Bainbridge Public Library: Furnishings as part of remodel of Teen Study and Program Room.
Bainbridge Island Rowing: Coach’s safety launch.
BI Arts and Humanities Council: New computer equipment.
BI Child Care Centers: Outdoor climbing structure
BI Farmers Market: Credit-card processing terminal enabling the market to accept Electronic Benefits Cards from individuals on the government nutrition assistance program
BI Special Needs Foundation: Construction of access ramp to Stephens House
Friends of Bainbridge High School Sailing: Critical fleet maintenance equipment and materials.
Gymnastics Program of BI Metro Parks & Recreation: Pommel horse for boys’ competitive gymnastics team.
Hope House of Bainbridge Island: Desktop computer, two laptop computers, and printer.
Housing Resources Board: Upgrade of 10 bathrooms at Island Home apartment complex.
Interfaith Volunteer Caregivers: Replacement parts for two computers.
Island Music Center: Audio-visual system.
Island Time Activities: Used mini-van.
KiDiMu: Installation of a sound system that incorporates the sounds of the community into interactive permanent “Our Town” exhibit.
Ovation!: Portable dance floor for rehearsal and classroom studio.
The Rotary Club of Bainbridge Island and all of the recipients of Community Grants over the years, thank you for your support of the Bainbridge Island Rotary Auction & Rummage Sale!